Releasing the Demons (The Order of the Senary #1) – L.D. Rose [BOOK REVIEW]

Releasing the Demons - L D Rose

View my review on my website.


This might be one of the best vampire books I have read. The story behind it is different than any other vampire books I've read before. 
When you combine vampires and humans with superpower abilities - you get the hybrids that are in this book. 

There are six ''brothers'' who are vampire hybrids and they all have different abilities.
This book focuses on Blaze, who went through seven months of hell. 
His tattoos can't cover the scars he will have for life. But meeting the love of his life might make his burden weigh less - or will it?

This is a story that will bring you on the edge and make you bite your nails constantly - but it is definitely worth reading it!

Reblogged from Ivana - Diary Of Difference