Sparkly fun with hidden kick

Be Careful What You Wish For - Alexandra Potter

I surprised myself by loving this one. After all, who hasn't wondered what would happen if all their dreams came true? Here, Heather finds out how everything that glitters most surely isn't gold, and her journey of self-discovery is both light-hearted and occasionally thoughtful - a combination I very much enjoyed.


I also thought the scenes involving her dangerously-ill beloved father were just soul-punchingly good, and Potter must be recommended for describing so realistically what the dread of someone you love dying is like. I actually had to put the book down for a while and go away as I was crying so much - even though I knew in the end all would be well.


Maybe the ending is just a little too perfect, but heck I'm not complaining, and I'm glad Heather found the life that was right for her. Good stuff.

Reblogged from Anne Brooke: fiction writer